Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Getting Over...

Getting over a broken heart is one of the hardest things I think a person has to do in their life. Whether your heart is broken by a lover, a friend, a family member, or somebody else, it's tough.

I think I'd kind of forgotten the pain that comes with losing somebody that you love and hold dear to your heart. It's been more than 10 years since I lost my dad and that was one of the most devastating and hurtful experiences I had been through in my life. I never thought I would hurt like that again until recently.

I've lost a person that was in my life almost as long as my father was. The difference between this loss is that he isn't dead. He is still living and breathing and able to communicate with me which makes it a little harder. My sister reminded me that if I was able to get over losing my father, I would be able to get over losing a person I considered to be my best friend and that I love just as much as I love my daddy.

Right now I feel like I did when I was 12 in those days after my dad died. I tried my hardest to be myself but inside I felt just dead. The problem is that I don't even remember how I got through it so I'm at a loss for how to get through losing a loved one now. At the age of 12 I feel I handled losing my dad better than I'm handling losing this person at 24.

How do you get over a broken heart? How do you let go of a person? How do you get over the loss of a person that you love? 

Monday, October 4, 2010

White America Has Kinda Lost It...Sorry

I came across this article from the Village Voice today on Facebook and I had to take a little time out read it.

I've been increasingly troubled by some of the things that have been going on in American politics and this little war that seems to be raging between Dems and Republics (or maybe it's just White people versus Obama) right now.

"Had decades of sucking down so much high-fructose corn syrup not only made Americans incredibly obese, but also messed with white brain chemistry to the point that some sort of tipping point had occurred?" I think so.

I really hate talking politics but I loved this article complete with real examples of how things are just little crazy with people today. Check out the column and let me know what you think....has White America lost it's mind?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Song of the Day: Lil Wayne feat. Drake "With You"

I have a confession: I have a thing for rap "love songs". Those songs with a great, smooth beat and even though he's rapping it almost sounds cute/romantic lol.

I'm not really into him much these days but I downloaded the new Lil Wayne album I Am Not A Human Being and this was one song that definitely stood out to me. I was feeling the rest of the album, not as much as The Carter III but I'm thinking after hearing it a couple of times it will be in rotation. Check it out below...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Coco's Cupcake Diary: Cupcake Decorating Class

 I managed to stop crying last night for a grand total of 3 hours and 33 minutes. Yes the minute I walked out of the place I was a wreck again, but I came home with some hand decorated cupcakes.

I took the Simple Cupcakes class at Cincinnati Cake and Candy Supply. We learned the basics of cupcake decorating like icing, working with fondant (which just might be my new ish) and making shapes with fondant, and how to make flowers and such with frosting.

I think I did pretty good. I didn't make the cupcakes, they were already made when we got there. Not sure how they taste since I haven't been able to eat much of anything (this break up shit is crazy) but I was told they tasted fab. Check out my pics below...(sorry for the bad quality I took them with my phone)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Remembering Katrina

Hurricane Katrina is one of those top-5 events of things that occur in your lifetime where you remember where you were, what you were doing, and what you were feeling when it happened.

I remember I had just retured to Howard for my sophomore year. I was living in this tiny single room in Meridian Hill hall. Classes had been in for a few weeks. I of course watched The Weather Channel every morning so I could dress accorindingly and that was when I first remember hearing of the tropical storm that was headed for the gulf. I remember watching the chaos and fear that was developing in the Gulf Coast and of course praying we wouldn't have rain in DC like there usually is when a tropical storm hit in the south.

The days following Katrina I saw things I never thought I would see in America and I honestly did cry a few times as I watched the people at the Convention Center begging for help. I watched CNN as Anderson Cooper walked the desolate streets, stopping to check dead bodies on the roads and talking with people that were just wandering, trying to find their way. I teared up seeing families on their roofs trying to flag down helicopters to save them from the oppressive heat, and hearing stories about all of the bodies floating around in the streets.

I am happy to see that we have come so far in 5 years from Katrina and I hope that I never have to see Americans suffering not only from a terrible natural disaster but from a government that has abandoned them.

For the 5 year anniversary I recommend watching Spike Lee's documentary When the Levees Broke. He interviews people from all walks of life and from every area even people who aren't from the Gulf Coast who went to volunteer. It was inspiring, touching, and just a excellent film. Check out a little clip below.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Who Else Could Make Kings Out of Bastards?

I've see this video posted on Facebook a few times and I finally watched it today while checking out a new blog.

The video is called "Ten Things I Want to Say to a Black Woman" and it is by a guy named Joshua Bennett. The delivery makes it just a little difficult to get everything but the women in the room were clearly moved and so was I. If you watch the video on the YouTube site there is a written list of these ten things if you can't get through the video. This guy is saying some real ish!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cupcake Diaries: Red Velvet Cupcakes w/ Cream Cheese Frosting

I love red velvet cake. It's an interesting cake and nowadays it's pretty popular.

I had it for the first time one warm fall afternoon at a place called The Cake Man in Brooklyn (yes I tried it for the first time when I was 22) just before I ate the most amazing catfish burrito and corn at Habana. It was moist, the frosting wasn't too sweet, and it wasas just delicious.

My first attempt at red velvet cupcakes was Christmas 2009 where I made them for a Christmas party at my house. While they were good, it was more like eating a rather dense chocolate cake with a little red food coloring.

(my first red velvet cupcakes)

I went on a quest to find a recipe for red velvet cake that was moist, not overly chocolatey, and light. I found an incredibly simple recipe that turned out some darn good cupcakes. I eve placed 2 orders from people wanting a dozen of these little cakes just yesterday!

 Not the prettiest batter in the world, my kitchen counter almost resembled a crime scene...

But they cooked beautifully...

Topped with a yummy cream cheese frosting

Boxed and ready to go!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Now that the furor over Mrs. Obama's Spain trip is dying down a little, I want to give my quick two cents o the issue.

To America:
Don't get it twisted, the Obama's have money and I'm pretty sure they aren't hanging with Pookie and Ray-Ray from Sunshine Terrace housing projects. They people in their inner circles have money too. Why do people think it's impossible for Michelle and her daughter to take a trip that was paid for personally (well with the exception of the secret service and Air Force II)? Presidents don't make that much money, honestly.Oh yeah and where was all this noise when Bush was leaving Washington every 2 days to head back to his lil Texas ranch? And seriously, in August Washington is like a ghost town, everybody is on vacation and those people work hard, is there anything really wrong with that?

To The First Family:
Can we be a little sensitive to the plight of our country right now? We're in a recession and you know that people are pointing the fingers at Bush you for everything that has gone wrong. I know, understand, and love that family comes first and that you are a mother before you are First Lady, but this is not a job that you can take a vacation from.

Furthermore, I'm rather confused by how yall are doing things nowadays anyways. You can spend 2 weeks in Spain and another 2 weeks in Martha's Vineyard, but the Gulf Coast gets a whopping 27 hours of your time and a measley 5 minutes of you frolicking in its waters?

Have you forgotten that you are in BLACK and that you are living under a microscope or do you no longer care? Are you not feeling the job and not planning on getting re-elected in 2012?

If the one member of the Obama's who was doing pretty good in the public eye has this happen, it might be time to get that U-Haul ready.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Coco's Cupcake Diary

I'm jumping on the cupcake bandwagon! I've been spending quite a lot of time online and in the library researching recipe after recipe for the ever popular cupcake. I'm even officially registered for a simple cupcakes decorating class at Cincinnati Cake and Candy Supply next month! I love cooking and baking has really seem to become my thing.

I've spent the last month or so developing and trying out new recipes for cakes and frostings and let me tell you it has been great. The first cupcakes i tried last month were a Vanilla Bean cupcake with Vanilla Italian Meringue Buttercream frosting. I've you've ever been to Cakelove in the DC area, you've had the yummy, light deliciousness that is Italian meringue buttercream. Unfortunately my digital camera was broken so I didn't get any pics of those.

I want share all the fun here on my blog so I'm starting a new "series" Coco's Cupcake Diary. I'll post recipes and pictures from the cupcakes I make just to document this new project  I'm working on. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Song of the Day: H-Town "Knockin The Boots"

Knockin the Boots (n.) - Two boots coming together making tasteful lust.

I'm driving home last night after chillaxing with The Boo, and H-Town's "Knockin the Boots" comes on Mojo.

This song used to be my JAM. Please note that in the intro he says "kickin it in the 9-3" '93 I didn't even know what "knockin the boots" meant but I sure knew every word to this song...SMH. Check out the video below.

Anybody else have some song they loved as a kid that was totally inappropriate?

Monday, August 9, 2010

My Inner Child Is Rejoicing

So I saw the words "Pop-Tart Sushi" on the trending now list on the Yahoo! homepage and I had to investigate. I found out from The New York Times that Pop-Tarts will now be having a store in Times Square!!!

The kid inside definitely added it to the list of places I MUST hit up next time I'm in NYC (of course they're mostly food related, I'm soo fat and I watch waaay too much Food Network). The store will be offering lots of Pop-Tart inspired treats and even a vending machine of some sorts that will let you create like a variety pack. Visitors can even create their own flavors. I CAN'T WAIT!

BTW...Pop-Tart sushi consists of bits of Pop-Tarts wrappe in a freaking Fruit Rollup! I can't even handle this!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Run and Tell THAT...Homeboy

I swear Youtube has created a bit of a monster...they will remix ANYTHING. This fool even has t-shirts.

Has it even been a week since this story broke?

The Quest for Better Hair

So I've gone without weave for a few months now but I've  beentotally unsatisfied with the way my hair looks and feels. I took a moment to go over my hair care routine and realized I'm taking care of my real, natural hair the same way I take care of it when I have weave.

I've decided it's time to try some new things until the weave makes it return. I watched a few youtube vids and read a few blogs and hit the stores. I picked up some new products as well as some rollers and I attempted my first........"roller wrap"!

Normally, I wash (with any old shampoo I've got as long as it's a moisturizing shampoo), blow dry with a hand dryer, and iron with my Chi flat iron. I love my Chi (it's the flat iron truth!) but my real hair is a damaged enough and I think I've just been using way too much heat. It's really great for straightening up my weaves and roots when my new growth is crazy but it's not good for everyday.

I decided to start by giving some new products a try and these top the list...

Motion's Lavish Conditioning Shampoo
I was previously using a combo of Garnier Fructis and a clarifying shampoo from Mizani. Both were WAY to drying though I thought it was okay because my hair was getting super wasn't.
Dove Intensive Repair Shampoo
Great results.

Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner
LOVE THIS. I don't have a sit under dryer so, as written in the directions, I left this on for an hour under a plastic cap. When I rinsed my hair felt so different in a good way. This has become a new staple.

Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioner
At first I thought I would alternate between this and the Olive Oil Conditioner after shampooing. However, this conditioner works great for everyday styling and really gives my hair that silky look which means I'm not going over my hair with the flat iron....BONUS  

I'll post some pics of my new haircare process soon (digicam is NOT agreeing with me these days). 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Miss...

Being independent.

Trips to The Diner in Adam's Morgan at 2 a.m.

Sitting out on the yard, people watching and having fun.

Riding the crowded Metro downtown.

Corner Bakery and Cosi sandwiches.

Montgomery Mall, Nordstrom, and Lord and Taylor.

Refund checks and having money in my pockets.

Long walks around the National Mall.

Movies by myself at Mazza Gallerie.

Hot Krispy Kreme Donuts and conversation in Dupont.

Driving around forever looking for parking.

Lunch dates with Andreas.

Happy hour at Alero after class.

Being a 4 hour bus ride away from NYC.

Hello Cupcake (are getting that I REALLY miss the food?)


I had to get that out.

Monday, July 26, 2010


When I first heard this song I searched FOREVER for the video but it got removed from Youtube and because Solange is highly underrated, I never saw it on TV. I stumbled across this while catching up on the latest videos (I almost NEVER watch music vids nowadays).

At first I was like huh? Then I was like WTF to the toilet scene. But the end was just so cute. Kinda makes me wonder what if...? Check it out...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The male radar

I'm really beginning to believe that men have some sort of female radar/telekinesis/6th sense about women.

One aspect of this special power they have is the ability to know or sense when a woman they've previously been involved with has forgotten about them, isn't thinking about them, or has moved on. When this occurs, they get some alert that says "B forgot about me. I must put myself back on her mind." and then a text, phone call, FB message, or other form of communication ensues.

Sometimes us women fall back into the trap (I have before no lie) but some have no need to hear what that man is talking anymore and they can see past the bullsh*t that usually comes with communications from that man.

I'm back in Ohio, living life and looking for a job while still dreaming fondly of the fun times I had in DC. Things are going pretty good in my relationship with The Boo aside from a few life issues going on with him. With the exception of a few texts from the Jamaican, I haven't been speaking to him or communicating with him and I guess his radar finally went off that he wasn't on my mind anymore.

He tells me he misses me, he tells me he wants me to come back, and the kicker...he's never liked any girl the way he likes me and he thinks he might be in love.

I swear God is up there laughing at me.

Friday, June 25, 2010

A Place to Escape

Now that I'm temporarily living back at home, I'm always dreaming of the days I will be on my own again or at least of spending a few days away with my honey in a quiet and beautiful place. Most importantly, I look forward to DECORATING!

I saw this article from the New York Times and was completely inspired by this woman's idea and the way she renovated a shack in the woods for a mere $3,000. The "shabby chic" decorating makes the place look incredibly comfortable and cute. Loves it!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

If You Ask Me I'm Ready

It took a while for me to come around but I absolutely love Alicia Keys' single "Un-thinkable (I'm Ready)" with Drake's ghostly vocals in the backgroud. I've lost a little bit of love for Alicia Keys with her latest album but this song and video remind me of why I'm a fan...

Thanks to MissAmazin for keeping me hip to the newest videos

Drake Is Forgiven

After the epic failure of Drake's "Best I Ever Had" video, he has finally redeemed himself with his "Find Your Love" video.

I'm loving the song and I'm feeling the little love story in the video. Check it out...

Saturday, April 24, 2010


This might be the weirdest post ever but today, while simply perusing the internet, I saw a photo of some random and very attractive black guy. I couldn't help but think about how pretty his skin was.

I remember this one night I was out with my girl Nicole at Andalu in DC. There was a fairly attractive White guy that had been chatting me up while we were waiting for the crowd to pick up. He ended up leaving but a few hours later, out of nowhere, he was grabbing me on the dance floor. He pressed his face against mine and it was just so soft and clammy...YUCK! 

Black men have the prettiest skin! It's rich in color, can sometimes look like silk, and the texture is not too hard and not too soft. It's just right :-).

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sometimes you feel like this....

One movie I absolutely love is Somethings Gotta Give with Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson. I think it's a cute, loving and funny movie and here is one scene/montage I absolutely love.

Keaton's character experiences the lows of love after falling in love with a guy and having her heart broken by his ass. I laugh everytime I see her in a different scene crying but right now I feel like kind of like her. Cut to me at any random point in the day and you'll probably see me going through the same thing (probably explains why I was inspired to write today). Anyways check it out...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Definitely going to see this

I knew Queen and Common were doing a movie together (was even in NYC and saw when they were shooting) but I didn't know it was going to be anything like this. Can't wait.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Romantic Relationships

Why do people have romantic relationships anymore?

Are they even really worth all the trouble? The tears, the fights, and the heartache?

I know that there are only a few people in this world that are blessed enough to actually find a person with whom they share a mutual maturity level and love that really can endure…but in my opinion there are quite a few people out there that THINK they are in that select pool but really aren't. And then there the people that just don't and probably never will find something so real. And I think there's a lot more of those kinds of people in this world.

Relationships are hard they take this strange kind of work where two people are shooting for something that seems so simple. They can make you feel, say, and do things you never imagined.  They can build you up and they can seriously tear you down.

I thought about this for about an hour and a half while I waited for one of my best friends to come to my house. My friend is 23 years old and married to a guy she's been with since about our senior year of high school. This guy is about a year younger than her in age and even younger in the mental sense. In my opinion their marriage was one of passion and not well-thought out on either side. When her husband was struck with some sort of stress-related mental breakdown I guess it made them realize how much they loved each other and they decided to get married (I would pretty much say they eloped but I can't exactly cause the families were there but she didn't tell anybody else).

Not even a full year later, I have to provide a shoulder for this friend to cry on because her husband is cheating on her and just might leave for this other ex-girlfriend chick he's been messing with (I really am not trying to put her biz all out there…sorry). While I'm giving her words of encouragement and advising her to really examine the situation (I really just wanna tell her to bounce but I just don't think that's my place considering she is married to the dude) I'm asking myself why she even married him. Why did she even put herself in the position to go through this? To rearrange your life so that own happiness is placed in the hands of another person who will most likely let you down.

I know that nobody really wants to be alone but it seems that being alone is jut so much easier and maybe a little better if you're not in that small percentage of people that can really handle relationships.