Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Getting Over...

Getting over a broken heart is one of the hardest things I think a person has to do in their life. Whether your heart is broken by a lover, a friend, a family member, or somebody else, it's tough.

I think I'd kind of forgotten the pain that comes with losing somebody that you love and hold dear to your heart. It's been more than 10 years since I lost my dad and that was one of the most devastating and hurtful experiences I had been through in my life. I never thought I would hurt like that again until recently.

I've lost a person that was in my life almost as long as my father was. The difference between this loss is that he isn't dead. He is still living and breathing and able to communicate with me which makes it a little harder. My sister reminded me that if I was able to get over losing my father, I would be able to get over losing a person I considered to be my best friend and that I love just as much as I love my daddy.

Right now I feel like I did when I was 12 in those days after my dad died. I tried my hardest to be myself but inside I felt just dead. The problem is that I don't even remember how I got through it so I'm at a loss for how to get through losing a loved one now. At the age of 12 I feel I handled losing my dad better than I'm handling losing this person at 24.

How do you get over a broken heart? How do you let go of a person? How do you get over the loss of a person that you love? 

1 comment:

Shelby S. said...

Man. This was so touching. So touching. Why do you have to "get over" this person? Why can't y'all work it out?